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Fatigue in high speed aluminium craft: Evaluating a design methodology for estimating the fatigue life using large scale tests and full scale trials

AuthorsDrummen, I., Schiere, M., Tuitman, J.
Conference/JournalFAST 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date1 Dec 2013
Within the VOMAS project, a methodology has been developed to estimate the fatigue life of high-speed aluminium crafts. This paper presents the large scale test and full scale trials which were done to acquire data for evaluating the developed methodology and presents results of this evaluation. During the large scale laboratory test, three panels were tested. At all three panels fatigue cracks formed at the locations where they were expected. The estimated fatigue life of the panels proved to be well in line with the experimental results. Using data from the full scale trials it is shown that the Fastship module of the developed design methodology generally over estimates the vessel motions. The maximum difference between measured and calculated motions is about 30%. Calculated fatigue damages are for more than half of the considered cases within a factor 10, the estimated fatigue is off by more than a factor 100 for a few cases.


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Ingo Drummen

Teamleader Hydro-Structural Services

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata scienceseakeepingmodel testingmonitoringstructural responsefull scale