This book describes the results of a systematic series of Fast Displacement Ships.The series is built around a parent model by varying the length to beam ratio, the beam to daft ratio and the block coefficient. Eventually thirty-three hull forms were built and tested in calm water up to a maximum speed of Froude number 1.14; the resistance, trim and sinkage were measured. Twenty-four of these hull forms were also tested in head waves, the heave and pitch motions and the resistance added in waves were measured.
The book describes the background of the study, the development of the parent hull form, the way the experiments have been carried out and the results explained in terms of the effect of the parameters of the systematic series. The results were also analysed into interpolation procedures so that predictions for intermediate hull forms can be made. These results are all included in a Windows-PC program that is delivered with the book; this program requires a choice for the main hull form parameters L, L/B, B/T and block coefficient cB after which the hull form is fully defined. The geometry can be extracted for further use in a CAD program and predictions of the calm water resistance, propulsion performance using a B-series propeller and motions and added resistance in head seas can be made.
Additional work that is described in the book concerns the development of a roll damping prediction method for these fast vessels. To this end experiments on thirteen models were carried out and the results were analysed into a roll damping prediction formula. Finally some case studies are added to the book to illustrate the use of the data on the systematic series.
Mailbox R&D
There was great interest in Fast Displacement vessels in the seventies and eighties and during this time, the US, Australian and Netherlands Navies carried out a 10-year research project together with MARIN and TU Delft to investigate their hydrodynamic properties. The results of this research work – comprising model experiments on 40 hull forms - are now declassified. These results are embedded in a PC program that provides a resistance and powering prediction in calm water and produces the ship motions and added resistance in head seas. A hull form, based on the underlying systematic series, can then be extracted. The format of the hull is suitable for further use in CAD systems and other applications.
This program is ideal for initial design work because of the limited input parameters and the extremely fast response time. The program and a book on the background of the project are now available.
Costs: 500 Euro
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