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Extreme Wave Effects on Deepwater Floating Structures

AuthorsBuchner, B., Bunnik, T.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date1 May 2007
Extreme waves can lead to damage to floating offshore structure as a result of airgap problems, greenwater on the deck or slamming to the hull. As the physics of these problems are different, there is no single way of identifying and characterizing extreme waves.As part of the investigations into the effect of extreme waves on deepwater floating structures, this paper focuses on the challenges of the numerical prediction of platform response due to extreme waves. This will be done by using an improved Volume Of Fluid (iVOF) method. Two case studies are presented, which both required specific extensions of the methodology. First green water simulations on a FPSO are discussed, requiring the coupling of a linear diffraction code to the iVOF method as part of a domain decomposition. Second the dynamic response of a TLP to an extreme wave is studied, requiring the integrated analysis of the wave loading and platform response.

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Bas Buchner

Tim Bunnik

Senior Researcher

stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencetime-domain simulationsrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingresearch and developmentextreme conditionsloads and responsesmotionssimulationswaves & motionsoffshore engineeringresearch