Experimental prediction of anti roll tanks on the rolling of ships
AuthorsAbeil, B.
Conference/Journal13th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships (PRADS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Date4 sep. 2016
Over the last years MARIN has developed an integrated model testing approach for the prediction of the performance of free-surface Anti Roll Tanks (ART) in reducing the roll motion of vessels. Beside the tailor-made test programme, the approach is mostly characterised by the specific test set-up that allows the measurement of the reaction forces generated by the ART on the ship model during seakeeping tests in a wave basin. After a brief introduction of the working principle of free-surface ARTs and the MARIN test set-up and programme, the paper describes in detail the measurements obtained from ARTs during a series of seakeeping test campaigns.
Bastien Abeil
Senior Project Manager
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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringmeasurements and controldata sciencemarine systemsseakeepingmodel testing