Evaluation of Numerical Methodologies and Physical Effects on a Performance-Scaled Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Rotor
AuthorsBouman, G., Serraris, J., Lim, C. L., Xing, X., Kang, C. W., Zhang, X., Gopalan, H., Nguyen, V. T., Liu, X., Raghavan, V. S. G., Poh, C. S., Yu, K.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, USA
Performing numerical simulations of a scaled-down experimental setup of a floating offshore wind turbine allows for a two-way validation between the two approaches. Furthermore, additional insight in the physical behavior of the system can be obtained by tuning numerical results on experimental measurements, and exploring the results. Numerical simulations of a 10MW floating offshore wind turbine model in a wave basin are performed at model scale using computational fluid dynamics. The performance-scaled turbine is designed to match the Froude-scaled thrust force in a Froude-scaled wind field. Initial results show a discrepancy in calculated turbine thrust and torque results compared with experimental results. Two main challenges are identified: (1) selecting a numerical approach appropriate for the low-Reynolds number flow, and (2) accurately modelling the environmental conditions in the basin. In this paper, a numerical sensitivity study is carried out by varying systematically the turbulence models and inflow conditions. A standard k - ε turbulence model is used, as well as a more extensive γ - Reθ turbulence transition model. Different inflow conditions are set up to model the turbulent jet wind field in the wave basin. It is found that the k - ε turbulence model is unsuitable to match the model test results, while satisfying results are obtained using the γ - Reθmodel. Furthermore, it is seen that the turbulent jet inflow is represented well by both a vertical power law profile and a radial profile fitted to wind field measurements, while uniform and tabulated inflow conditions are a poor representation of the experimental conditions. It is concluded that effects from surface roughness, the Reynolds number, the inflow velocity and turbulence distribution must be included in the numerical evaluation.
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