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Digital twinning in harsh weather

AuthorsNicola Grasso, Sebastien Gueydon
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 127
Date13 Sep 2019
MARIN is set to carry out the full-scale monitoring and develop the digital twin of a floating wind prototype off the west coast of Ireland.
Subject to consent, a full-scale floating wind prototype designed by SAIPEM will be deployed off the west coast of Ireland at a test site of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) as part of the €31 million, Interreg NWE project AFLOWT. This project is led by the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) working in partnership with SEAI, SAIPEM, MARIN, Fraunhofer IWES, ESB, CaLiCyA and University College Cork and aims to demonstrate the survivability and costcompetitiveness of floating offshore wind technology in the harsh conditions off the west coast of Ireland.


Contact person photo

Nicola Grasso

Head of Section Autonomy & Decision Support


Offshore wind is one of the most promising renewable energy technologies in the path to the energy transition away from fossil fuels. While fixed bottom wind turbines are a proven technology for shallow water applications, the development of floating wind technology will unlock the potential of deeper water sites, increasing potential for growth.
MARIN digital twinning

Artist view of the floating wind prototype installed in AFLOWT project

offshore wind