Development of a Time Domain Boundary Element Method for the Seakeeping Behavior of a Cruise Ship
AuthorsGkikas, G.D., Walree, F. van
Conference/Journal33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014), San Francisco, CA, USA
Date1 jun. 2014
A computational method for the seakeeping behavior of a cruise ship at zero speed and under severe wind and oblique wave loads is presented. The proposed methodology is a timedomain panel method where the transient Green functions used for the estimation and implementation of the free surface effects on the vessel’s motions are estimated assuming constant low lateral speed, instead of the common practice zero speed influence functions. For the evaluation of the overall hydrodynamic forces, the so called “blended approach” is followed in the sense that the induced hydrodynamic pressures due to the scattering and radiation phenomena are calculated over the linearized position of the body, ignoring any displacements with respect to its mean position, while the hydrostatic and non-linear FroudeKrylov forces are considered at the actual body location and taking into account the free surface elevation at each time step. For the validation of the proposed methodology, heave and roll motions, the drift velocity as well as lateral accelerations of the vessel were investigated for two cases of severe beam seas combined with a constant strong wind load and the results were compared against experimental model tests. The model tests were performed to investigate the vessel’s behavior under extreme weather conditions. The low lateral speed Green functions were estimated for a speed similar to the one that the vessel was expected to drift, an estimation based on the model tests, as well as for the case where the input speed corresponded to the half of the expected speed. Good agreement was presented for both cases, showing that accurate and computationally efficient numerical simulations of the vessel’s motions under severe wind and wave excitations can be obtained by using low lateral speed transient Green functions.
Frans van Walree
Senior Project Manager
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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringseakeepingpassengers and yachtingextreme conditionscruise and ferry