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Damage survivability of a new Ro-ro ferry

AuthorsKat, J.O. de, Kanerva, M., Veer, R. van ’t, Mikkonen, I.
Conference/Journal7th International Conference on Ship Stability (STAB 2000), Tasmania, Australia
Date1 Jan 2000
This paper presents experimental investigations involving the dynamic behaviour and survivability of a damaged ro-ro passenger ferry. It concerns a modern design, which has an extensive lower hold for ro-ro cargo purposes. Two main damage scenarios have been considered: lower hold intact and damaged. Besides damage survivability in beam waves, the research focused on the ship dynamics as a result of transient flooding following a breach of the intact huil. The following parameters have been varied: KG, creation rate of damage opening, cross duet area, internal configuration and cargo deck permeability. Some conditions have been simulated numerically.


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Riaan van 't Veer

Senior Specialist

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringseakeepingpassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingresearch and developmentdamage stabilityextreme conditionsresearch