To predict loads on propellers in ice, model tests can be used. Using regular (refrigerated) cold model ice in ice basins is a valid option. However, these tests are expensive, difficult to reproduce and bound to time and location, due to the required cooling in ice model basins. An alternative would be to use warm model ice, a material with the properties of model ice at room temperature. This paper proposes one variety, using only materials available from DIY stores. Based on theoretical propeller-ice interaction models, it is assumed that the loads come from a crushing process. Hence, the compressive strength follows as dominant material property of ice. To match compressive strength of weak cold model ice, a large particle composite is proposed. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) beads are used as particles, with paraffin as matrix to produce warm ice specimens. The compressive strength of these specimens were measured with a uniaxial compression test and matched with weak model ice. The specimens were designed for in-situ use in model scale propeller impact tests.
Gerco Hagesteijn
Senior Project Manager Ships
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