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Coupled Mooring Analysis for a Deep Water CALM Buoy

AuthorsCozijn, J.L., Bunnik, T.H.J.
Conference/Journal23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2004), Vancouver, Canada
Date1 Jun 2004
The effect of the mooring loads on floater motions can be significant for small water plane area floaters like CALM buoys. Not only does the mooring system contribute to the static restoring force components, but the dynamic behaviour of the mooring lines also affects the inertia and damping of the moored CALM buoy.
The results from model tests with a moored CALM buoy were compared with the results from two series of time-domain computer simulations. First, fully dynamic coupled simulations were carried out, in which the interaction between the floater motions and the dynamic mooring line loads was modelled for all 6 modes of motion. Second, quasi-static simulations were carried out, in which only the (non-linear) static restoring force characteristics of the mooring system were taken into account.
The comparison of results from the simulations and the model tests clearly indicates that the fully dynamic coupled simulations show a much better correspondence with the model test results than the quasi-static simulations. It is concluded that for the simulation of the behaviour of a moored CALM buoy in waves a fully dynamic coupled mooring analysis is essential


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Hans Cozijn

Senior Project Manager

Tim Bunnik

Senior Researcher

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