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Control of a full port-to-port mission for a feeder vessel

AuthorsKruif, B. J. de, Daalen, E. F. G. van, Cozijn, H., Iavicoli, G.
Conference/JournalOCEANS 2023, Limerick, Ireland
Date5 Jun 2023
Autonomy is posed as a solution to decrease the amount of qualified personnel on a ship. It would be especially
advantageous for those tasks that are dirty, dull or dangerous. Such a solution would be a win if for those cases the available personnel can be freed and they can be employed for more interesting and challenging operations.
We automate an operation that repeatedly sails a 71 m long feeder vessel between the ports of Pireaus and Mykonos. This is done as part of the EU MOSES project to improve the short-sea shipping services. Although sailing port-to-port mainly consists of tracking waypoints, there are other tasks to consider, such as docking and undocking. We split the full operation into several subtasks that we solve separately. Each of these tasks consist of a (time-dependent) target and a vehicle controller. These tasks are combined to perform the whole operation. These individual tasks can be used to build upon in other future operations.
Simulations show the correct working of the different targetgenerators with controllers in their individual task. Switching between the tasks is done without discontinuities in the output forces and torques. With these results, the next step will be to perform the port-to-port sailing in our basins.


Contact person photo

Bas de Kruif

Senior Researcher

Ed van Daalen

Senior Researcher

Hans Cozijn

Senior Project Manager

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manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringmeasurements and controltime-domain simulationsdynamic positioningmanoeuvringnautical operationsscenario simulationmarine systemstransport and shippingearly innovations and solutionsautonomy and decision support