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Concept study for Carbon Collectors Articulated Tug Barge (ATB)

AuthorsHulst, R. van der, Jaouen, F.
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 137
Date31 Oct 2023
In a stride towards advancing sustainable energy solutions, Carbon Collectors, a partner in the research project LNG-ZERO, has embarked on an innovative endeavour.

The focal point of this innovation revolves around a novel shipping concept, facilitating the collection, transportation and injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into depleted gas reservoirs within the Southern North Sea. This concept transforms an out-of-use offshore gas field into a permanent CO2 storage facility, mitigating industrial CO2 emissions.

Carbon Collectors has been examining the concept thoroughly using the diverse capabilities offered by MARIN. In 2022, the operational feasibility was first confirmed by bridge simulations and once the concept matured, design validation and optimisation were carried out using model tests and numerical modelling.


Contact person photo

Frederick Jaouen

Manager Offshore

innovative approach

The concept entails the transportation of CO2 via an Articulated Tug Barge (ATB) arrangement. The barge delivers the CO2 to the offshore Tower Loading Unit (TLU), through which the carbon dioxide is pumped underground into a depleted gas reservoir. This innovative approach circumvents the reliance on fixed platforms and pipelines for storage access, thereby streamlining operations and broadening the range of storage locations.

Wave pattern at the stern of the ATB combination - birrd view

transport and shippingcfdearly innovations and solutions