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Comparisons of Means for Estimating Sea States from an Advancing Large Container Ship

AuthorsNielsen, U., Andersen, I.M.V., Koning, J.
Conference/JournalPRADS 2013, CECO, Changwon City, Korea
Date20 Oct 2013
The paper deals with sea state estimation from a container carrier (9,400 TEU) en-route. Knowledge of the on-site sea state is fundamental input to any kind of inservice decision support system that evaluates performance of, e.g., accelerations, fuel efficiency, and hull girder strength, related to ship-wave interactions in a seaway. In the paper, sea state estimates are produced by three means: the wave buoy analogy, relying on shipboard response measurements, a wave radar system, and a system providing the instantaneous wave height. The presented results show that for the given data, recorded on five different days of continuous operation, the agreement between the estimating means is reasonable; in terms of both absolute (mean) values and hourly trends of integrated sea state parameters.


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Jos Koning

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