Comparison of Second-Order Loads on a Tension-Leg Platform for Wind Turbines
AuthorsGueydon, S., Wuillaume, P., Jonkman, J., Robertson, A., Platt, A.
Conference/JournalThe Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Kona, Hawaii, USA
Date21 Jun 2015
The first objective of this work is to compare the two floating offshore wind turbine simulation packages; (DIFFRAC+aNySIM) and (WAMIT+FAST). The focus of this study is on second-order waveloads; therefore, first- and second-order wave loads are applied to a structure sequentially for a detailed comparison and a more precise analysis of the effects of the second-order loads. aNySIM does not have the capability to model flexible bodies, so the simulations performed in this tool are done assuming a rigid body. FAST also assumes that the platform is rigid but can account for the flexibility of the tower. The second objective is to study the effects of the second-order loads on theresponse of a tension-leg platform (TLP) floating wind turbine. The flexibility of the tower must be considered for this investigation; therefore, only FAST is used.
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