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Can bridge simulations support conceptual design?

AuthorsPatrick Hooijmans, Freek Verkerk
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 131
Date7 Apr 2021
Within the EU Horizon project Holiship, MARIN has developed, together with partners, a Virtual Vessel Framework (VVF) in which real-time bridge simulations can be used to make key decisions in the concept design stage. This VVF can lead to a better performing ship or cost reductions.

Conceptual design is the art of balancing the various aspects of the design. This can range from fulfilling class rules and client requirements to applications in highly specialised domains. The early design stage is a process of the gradual reduction of uncertainty, i.e. mitigating risks financially, legally and technically. One of the complexities of
conceptual design is that procedures and the decision sequence are not fixed at all. Some impacts from the result of decisions taken in an early design stage only reveal themselves in more advanced stages of the project. It may then be too difficult or even impossible to introduce major changes in the design.


Contact person photo

Patrick Hooijmans

Team Leader Transport & Shipping | Senior Project Manager

Virtual sea trials improve ship design

Virtual sea trials are one of many possible applications for a VVF. One example is testing new manoeuvring configurations early on in the design of the vessel. By coupling hydrodynamic models and
machinery models with a bridge simulator, the feel of the manoeuvring configuration can be tested in addition to the numerical

Bird-eye view of sailed track into a basin in the Port of Rotterdam

Coupling of tools to the RCE
HOLISPEC/RCE - A virtual vessel framework connecting tools and experts throughout Europe. Development of HOLISPEC/RCE is done as part of Horizon 2020 project HOLISHIP funded by the European Commission under grant agreement number 689074.