Cable JIP: A Research Project to Assess the Feasibility of a Semi-Static Electrical Subsea Cable for the Power Take-off from a TLP-type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
AuthorsWilde, J. de, Nat, C. G. J. M. van der , Pots, L., Vries, L.B. de, Liu, Q.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date9 Aug 2021
The CABLE JIP research project in 2017-2019 was initiated with the aim of studying the feasibility of deploying a novel semi-static electrical cable for the power take-off from a TLP-type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT). Today, expensive dynamic electrical cables are mainly used for the power take-off from demonstrator project FOWTs or from new FOWTs on the drawing board. For a TLP-type FOWT, the use of a semi-static electrical power cable instead of a fully dynamic electrical power cable (umbilical) is an attractive option to reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCoE). However, the electrical power cable in a dynamic offshore environment is vulnerable to failure, either at the floater side or at the seabed touchdown area. Moreover, the electrical power cable for power take-off is typically non-redundant, while the availability of the turbine(s) highly depends on this critical component to transport the produced power to the substation. The paper discusses the results of the CABLE JIP research project, with focus on the verification and calibration of the numerical models for the ULS and FLS assessment of the electrical power inter-array cable for a harsh weather test case with a TLP-type floating offshore wind turbine in 96.5 m water depth.
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