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Assisting the fishing industry

AuthorsJorrit-Jan Serraris
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 131
Date7 apr. 2021
Our seas and oceans are a breeding ground for an abundance of high protein food: fish. Fish requires three to eight times less valuable nutrients per kilogramme of food when compared to land mammals. Therefore, fish – if managed prudently – can be considered an important sustainable food resource to feed the increasing world population, while keeping our carbon footprint limited.


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Blue Growth model tests on sustainable fish farm constructions

TOWARDS sustainable use of our blue oceans

Fish can be cultivated in fish farms or caught at sea, with both methods requiring large, flexible net (supporting) structures. These net structures are exposed to strong current and wave loads near the
water surface. At the same time, the net structures have to be robust to ensure safe and clean oceans. MARIN assists its clients by determining the hydrodynamic loads and associated deformations and structural loads of these flexible nets and their supporting constructions.
Aquaculture systems
MARIN performs extensive research for aquaculture systems including model tests, numerical simulations and CFD.
Blue Growth fish farming
Within our 2021 Blue Growth research programme MARIN developed an innovative fish farm solution for offshore wind parks. We modelled and tested it in current and waves in our Offshore Basin.
Towing tests fishing gear
Towing tests on full scale demersal fishing gear provide insight in the underwater behaviour of the net as input and validation of numerical models.