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A Study on Simplified Loading Models for Vertical Wave-in-deck Loading

AuthorsScharnke, J., Lafeber, W.
Conference/JournalThe 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes, Greece
Date26 Jun 2016
Wave-in-deck model tests were carried out with vertical load measurements, pressure measurements and a two camera high speed video setup. With the undisturbed surface elevation at every time step, the load transfer to a flat deck was calculated by analyzing the rate of change of the added mass in a von Karman approach. This approach was applied with three different methods of estimating the added mass. The comparison with the model test data showed that the main criterion to estimate the vertical impact load on a horizontal platform deck properly, is an accurate derivation of the added mass (wetted area). This is a problem, if no detailed pressure measurements or high speed videos are available. Therefore, a correlation analysis was conducted of the wetted area of the undisturbed wave and the wetted area derived from the pressure cell measurements, to see whether an empirical correction factor of the wetted deck area can be determined. This would than allow to estimate the vertical loading on a platform deck based on measured wave data. In this paper the results of the simplified loading model in comparison with the model test data are presented and discussed.

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Jule Scharnke

Senior Project Manager

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