A semi-empirical method is presented that predicts broadband hull-pressure fluctuations and underwater radiated noise due to propeller tip vortex cavitation. The method uses a hump-shaped pattern for the spectrum and predicts the centre frequency and level of this hump. The principal parameter is the vortex cavity size, which is predicted by a combination of a boundary element method and a semi-empirical vortex model. It is shown that such a model is capable of representing the variation of cavity size with cavitation number well. Using a database of modeland full-scale measured hull-pressure data, an empirical formulation for the maximum level and centre frequency has been developed that is a function of, among other parameters, the cavity size. Acceptable results are obtained when comparing predicted and measured hull-pressure and radiated noise spectra for various cases. The comparison also shows differences that require adjustments of parameters that need to be further investigated.
Johan Bosschers
Senior Researcher
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cfd/simulation/desk studiesnoise and vibrationresistance and propulsionpropeller and cavitationpropeller