A nonlinear 3-D approach to simulate GREEN WATER dynamics on deck
AuthorsZhou, Z.Q., Kat, J.O. De, Buchner, B.
Conference/Journal7th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Nantes, France
Date1 jan. 1999
This paper presents a numerical method to predict the 3-D flow of water on deck and resulting loads using the shallow water equations. The numerical simulation of water flow on deck has been coupled to the prediction of large amplitude ship motions in waves. The large amplitude relative motions at bow in head seas are obtained by using a nonlinear ship motion program. An empirical formula based on an experimental database estimates the water height at the deck boundary. Glimm’s method has been used to simulate the three-dimensional shallow water flow over deck. An algorithm of flow flux deals with the water interaction along the deck boundary. Extensive comparison studies have been carried out to validate the method. Numerical results have been compared with the following: 1) theoretical results of dam-breaking theory; 2) model test measurements of a reservoir-breaking impact on a structure; 3) experimental data of green water impact tests with moored tankers having different bow flare configurations in regular waves.
Bas Buchner
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