A Mark III panel subjected to a flip-through wave impact - results from the Sloshel project
AuthorsBrosset, L., Marhem, M., Lafeber, W., Bogaert, H., Carden, P., Maguire, J.
Conference/JournalThe Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Maui, Hawaii, USA
Date19 jun. 2011
Within the Sloshel Joint Industrial Project, a new full scale wave impact test campaign has been carried out in April 2010. Unidirectional focused waves were generated in a flume in order to impact a rigid wall in which an instrumented Mark III LNG containment system panel had been embedded. The wall was entirely covered with the Mark III corrugated membrane in the same way as on board a LNG carrier. During one of the last tests of the campaign a flip-through type of impact was generated and very high local pressures were measured. The horizontal small corrugations of the membrane were significantly deformed but no permanent deformation of the foam was observed by initial visual inspection. After removing the Mark III panel and cutting it into small blocks, no discernible cracking, no discernible permanent deformation and no discernible change of the initial properties were observed.
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waves, impacts and hydrostructuralrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamonitoringtrials and monitoringsloshingfull scalelngoffshore engineering