Platform Vortex Induced Motion (VIM) is an important cause of fatigue damage on risers and mooring lines connected to deep-draft semi-submersible floating platforms. The VIM design criteria have been typically obtained from towing tank model testing. Recently, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis has been used to assess the VIM response and to augment the understanding of physical model test results. A joint industry effort has been conducted for developing and verifying a CFD modeling practice for the semi-submersible VIM through a working group of the Reproducible Offshore CFD JIP. The objectives of the working group are to write a CFD modeling practice document based on existing practices validated for model test data, and to verify the written practice by blind calculations with five CFD practitioners acting as verifiers. This paper presents the working group’s verification process, consisting of two stages. In the initial verification stage, the verifiers independently performed free-decay tests for 3-DOF motions (surge, sway, yaw) to check if the mechanical system in the CFD model is the same as in the benchmark test. Additionally, VIM simulations were conducted at two current headings with a reduced velocity within the lock-in range, where large sway motion responses are expected,. In the final verification stage, the verifiers performed a complete set of test cases with small revisions of their CFD models based on the results from the initial verification. The VIM responses from these blind calculations are presented, showing close agreement with the model test data.
Arjen Koop
Senior Researcher/Teamleader
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