Performance prediction method BlueRoute for wind-assisted ships
Sep 26 2022
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‘The climate benefits of wind-assisted ship propulsion have long been ignored’, says Patrick Hooijmans project manager of the WiSP2 project. The entire shipping industry is forced to deal with CO2 emission reduction, due to new rules and regulations (EEXI and CII) as from 2023. One way to do so is using wind propulsion. Hence the WiSP2 Joint industry project was started focussing on developing performance prediction methods for wind-assisted ships. As part of its earlier research into wind propulsion, MARIN already developed the prototype application BlueRoute, a public cloud based web service,
In BlueRoute you can choose a route anywhere on the globe for a vessel equipped with assisting wind systems. The power performance and CO2 emission reduction are calculated using detailed wind statistics for the specified area. BlueRoute has now been expanded with the first results of the WiSP2 project. In addition to the standard available vessel, participants of this project can use a vessel of their own design and configuration.