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TO2morrow: Orderly offshore traffic

Jan 15 2021
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The Applied Research Organizations (TO2), TNO, WUR, Deltares, NLR and MARIN, published their Impact Report 2020. The magazine shows how their research and solutions contribute to a sustainable, clean, healthy and safe future for the Netherlands. Read here about how MARIN provides detailed and shared knowledge of safety, both for shipping and the marine ecosystem, and how MARIN, together with TNO and Deltares, researches possible safety precautions.

highway at sea

Wind turbines, solar panels, seaweed farms and shipping –
the North Sea is getting more and more crowded. MARIN
analyses traffic flows to ensure that ships, the environment and
infrastructure stay protected. Together with TNO and Deltares,
the institute is researching precautionary measures to prevent
collisions and to inhibit environmental damage.

Traffic safety on the North Sea is an ever-increasing challenge, says Yvonne Koldenhof of MARIN. “It is an offshore highway straight through an industrial area at sea.

This article and the magazine can be downloaded below. Previous editions can be found on the TO2 federation website.