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NEEDS Seminar and Workshop

Aug 21 2023
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The NEEDS project is organising a public workshop On September 13 (10.00 -17:00) to discuss the results of our Horizon Europe funded project. We will be presenting the application cases developed on the Rhine region for inland waterways transport and the Greek inter-island maritime network for ferries and short-sea shipping.

The goal of this event is in the first place to disseminate the learnings of the project and present the results of the scenario simulations for the two regions selected. Secondly, we also want to check parties that may be interested to create a user-group and keep supporting, co-developing and using this regional scenario simulation framework in the coming years.

Take a look into the results of a set of scenarios for the two regions. Here you will be able to explore the NEEDS simulation framework, which allows to launch regional scenarios to simulate transition pathways in waterborne transport.

The workshop will be organised in Wageningen. Online participation is also possible but with limited possibilities for interaction and discussion.
Registration is compulsory. Please register here.


NEEDS is a Horizon Europe funded project, hosted by MARIN and developed in cooperation with SINTEF, EICB, CERTH, Balance Technology Institute, Waterborne and Sea Europe. This European project is nearly reaching its final delivery and we are pleased to share publicly the development achieved and discuss the way forward with interested users. The project aim was to develop a quantified and dynamic techno-economic model to simulate, regional energy transition scenarios for waterborne transport. A generic framework model was developed and two tests cases with local transition scenarios were realised for the Rhine region (and inland shipping transport) and the Greek maritime network (ferries and short sea shipping).

The NEEDS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101056938.
NEEDS workshop and seminar
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