FLARE holds first General Assembly Meeting in Bremen, Germany
Nov 25 2019
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Following the launch of the project on 1 June 2019, FLARE held its first Steering Group and General Assembly Meetings in Bremen from 5 to 7 November 2019. FLARE is a multiannual research and innovation programme for the maritime sector which aims to increase safety for persons (passengers and crew) on board passenger ships by developing a risk-based methodology for “live” flooding risk assessment and control. Solutions developed have potential application to both new-buildings and to existing ships and will be proposed for the revision of relevant IMO regulations.
SETTING THE COURSE OF THE PROJECT The activities and developments carried out in the first five months of the FLARE project were discussed during a three-day meeting which gathered all the consortium partners at BALance premises in Bremen. All tasks were reported to be progressing according to plan, including the preparation of public deliverables which will become available later this year.
The strategy for the next months of the project was examined, in particular with regards to the recommendations to IMO. Consortium partners also agreed upon the need to ensure a complementarity with the SAFEPASS project, running in parallel to FLARE and focusing on risk mitigation means for passenger ship evacuation as well as life-saving appliances.
OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF THE FLARE WEBSITE For the occasion of the General Assembly, the official website for FLARE has been launched. It serves as the main official information channel for the project, providing details on the scope, activities and results of FLARE. It also advertises the latest news and upcoming events. Further information can be found on: https://flare-project.eu/
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 814753.