First full scale trials with unmanned RHIB within LAURA JIP
Oct 4 2019
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JIP LAURA performed for the first time full scale trials with an unmanned RHIB. The tests were done near Den Helder, the Netherlands, using a 66m mothership and a modified RHIB from the Dutch Defence.
Several concepts were successfully tested. These included the cradle concept, the FCD (Floating Capture Device) and a planar, for retrieving non-sailing unmanned craft (e.g. UUV in a lobster pot).
For cradle and FCD concepts a full cycle was performed, recovering the unmanned RHIB, recovering it on board and then launching it again back on sea. For the planar also succesfull catching was shown and putting the captured device on board. Tests were done in weather conditions with waves up to 1.5 m.
This achievement was done by an international team of industry, knowledge institutes and MOD’s, aiming in setting a standard.
LAURA JIP aims at the development of a standardisation for a common launch and recovery system for a wide variety of small (unmanned) craft, and which can be operated in a wide environmental regime. For more information see