European Commission signs grant agreement: official start of FLARE
Jun 7 2019
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With the signature of INEA (Innovation & Networks Executive Agency of the European Commission) on the Grant Agreement of FLARE, the project officially started on June, 1 2019. FLARE is a multiannual research and innovation program for the maritime sector. The results of FLARE will increase safety for passengers ships by developing a risk-based methodology for “live” flooding risk assessment and control. In total, the European Commission will invest € 9.3 million Euros over a period of three years, by means of the Horizon 2020 program, the research- and innovation program of the European Commission.
FLOODING ACCIDENT RESPONSE Despite the fact that the maritime sector is continuously investing in increasing and maintaining safety on board ships, additional effort is needed in the pathway towards zero-loss of life and zero-pollution. The highest risk for persons on board ships comes with flooding accidents, but consequences may be reduced when appropriate actions are taken following such an accident, thus greatly reducing the probability of loss of life or damage to the environment. The FLARE project will target a risk-based methodology for “live” flooding risk assessment and control, by developing a generic (all incidents in one model) and holistic (active and passive measures) risk model with potential application to newbuildings and, which is totally new, to existing ships. Innovative technical solutions in ship concepts and equipment for risk containment and control will be accompanied by proposals for the revision of relevant IMO regulations towards a risk-based approach to contain and control risk in passenger ships from flooding incidents, thereby significantly contributing to the safety of both passenger and ship. The project partners will officially kick-off the activities during a series of meetings from 18 till 20 of June 2019 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.
PROJECT PARTNERS BALance Technology Consulting GmbH, with its headquarters in Bremen, Germany, will coordinate the project in close cooperation with the University of Strathclyde, Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering. Nineteen other leading maritime stakeholders will contribute to the results of FLARE: Aalto University, Brookes Bell, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, Carnival, Color Line Marine, DNV GL, Fincantieri, Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt, ICAM Nantes, Lloyd’s Register, MARIN, Meyer Werft, Meyer Turku, NAPA, SEA Europe, Chantiers de l’Atlantique, Rina Services, RCCL and Stena Line.
MARIN is one of the FLARE project partners. Contact Maarten Flikkema for more information.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 814753.