MARIN Marine Systems

Zero Emission Services for New and Retrofit Maritime projects

The Maritime industry develops, builds and uses ships with innovative designs and technologies that should lead to a climate-neutral maritime sector. As an independent research institute, MARIN can strengthen consortia around the world with our zero emission services for the development of these ships.

We offer services from concept development to operation through the use of our dedicated knowledge, facilities and (simulation) models. In this way, we ensure that innovations can be achieved more quickly with more control over the associated uncertainties and risks, that there is objective insight into the effectiveness and reliability of emission-reducing technologies and that these technologies are optimally used on board.

The Zero Emission Services have their roots in MARIN Zero Emission Shipping Research Programme. See Zero-Emission Shipping to learn more about our research and development in this field.

Services overview

  1. Exploration | Operational analysis and technology selection
  2. Scenario simulation | Evaluation of future or alternative designs in authentic operational conditions
  3. Marine power system design | Developing a fit-for-purpose system design
  4. Simulation & testing | Risk mitigating when introducing low technology readiness level solutions.
  5. Validation & troubleshooting | Objective insight into the reliability of emission-reducing technologies, and tackle problems on board
  6. Training & education | Crews, maintenance engineers and designers learn how to handle new technologies and systems


Contact person photo

Moritz Krijgsman

Team Leader Marine Power Systems | Senior Project Manager

Christian Veldhuis



This stage is all about understanding the real energy needs and system preferences by listening to the operators and performing an operational analysis. The first step is to ensure that the hull and propulsion are optimum to reduce energy needs. Classical techniques are existing for that phase (e.g. The exploration will then define the input needed for a proper technology trade-off study where alternative operations and wind propulsion ( can be considered. Once a preferred power and energy technology is chosen, the required systems and their support systems can be identified.
To provide a stable and efficient alternative, sustainable energy concept designs often demand combined technical solutions. As all alternative energy concepts come with their own characteristics, smart decisions can be made in this stage on the positioning of the power and energy systems equipment. Safety aspects, weight and volume requirements, specific class regulations or expensive interfaces are taken into account to provide solutions for the general layout.

Scenario simulation

Scenario simulations are a powerful method to evaluate future or alternative designs in authentic operational conditions, levered by hindcast environmental data. For this we create a simulation model (digital twin) at concept phase level. The scenario simulation models, including dynamic techno-economic components, allow authorities, ship and fleet owners, harbour and energy suppliers to launch alternative scenarios based on their current operations (see also The model includes the energy supply, the harbour infrastructures (energy bunkering, charging or swapping and shipping logistics), the ships, the cargo capacity, the waterborne operations and the environmental conditions. Long-term hindcast data allow running scenarios and assess implementation strategies for the coming decades, from a technical and economic perspective.

Marine power system design

Once the operations of a vessel are defined and the technology is chosen, MARIN can create different power, propulsion and energy (PPE) configurations, which can be compared and assessed on a variety of aspects like expected system efficiencies, reliability and complexity allowing a suitable configuration to be chosen. This results in a layout of the PPE system with the sizing of components and the principal component interfaces.

Simulation & testing

The risks involved with building these innovative vessels can be reduced by doing early-stage verification of the conceptual design. We create simulation models (digital twins) and use scaled-physical setups across multiple facilities to verify the PPE system designs such as the virtual Zero Emission Lab (v-ZEL) and the Zero Emission Lab (ZEL).
The involvement of the future crew in the design of the ship and its operation is a prerequisite for safe, effective and smart ships, offshore structures and their operations. With a coupling between the Seven Oceans Simulation centre (SOSc) and the v-ZEL or ZEL, the interaction between the user and the PPE system can be experienced and analysed allowing a validation of user requirements. With a coupling between the model test basins and the v-ZEL or ZEL, the interactions between hydrodynamic behaviour and the PPE system can be validated on model scale.

validation & Troubleshooting

MARIN serves the maritime industry with operational investigations and monitoring campaigns on board ships worldwide. Our measuring facility is SeaLab: the sea as a digital lab. SeaLab facilitates field labs in real operations at sea by measuring and observing the behaviour of and the interaction between the ship, the environment and crew at sea. With these measurements we can validate the digital models (digital twins) of the PPE systems and improve them with our latest data science techniques. We use the models to provide an objective view into the effectiveness and reliability of emission-reducing technologies, provide insight and control to the crew to optimize the sailing with innovative PPEs, solve problems on board and realize improved new ship designs, thereby contributing to the Joint Maritime Digital Platform. We developed a standardized method to validate the impact of emission reduction measures and technologies. We go through the following steps:

  1. During the sea trial we determine the fuel efficiency, emissions (collaboration with TNO) and speed-power relationships in different load conditions.
  2. We use this to validate the models for energy consumption and emissions.
  3. We measure the operational profile of the ship over a number of weeks, by measuring the power of the largest consumers at high frequency, together with the speed over the ground and the loading conditions.
  4. Using the validated models, we extrapolate the operational profile, supplemented with voyage simulations for a complete year to accurately determine energy consumption and total emissions over a year and we compare the well-to-wake emissions with a reference ship.

The step-by-step plan is identical for each ship, which ensures synergy in independently assessing the effectiveness and reliability of the new ships. The models and emission and power measurements are tailor-made for each case, because we validate various innovative designs and technologies.

Training & education

The machinery and bunker spaces of the future contain new technology that require education and training. A striking example is the introduction of modern electrotechnology and advanced control and automation. New fuels and energy carriers come with new properties and safety precautions.
In recent years, MARIN has developed design, simulation and test skills for those new systems. With its Zero Emission Lab, MARIN even provides a physical laboratory, containing a fuel cell, hydrogen, a modern dual-fuel generator set, and sophisticated electrical power distribution. Crews, maintenance engineers and designers are able to experience there how these modern systems work, feel, sound and smell and what procedures they have to follow to operate them safely. When connected to the SOSc, the bridge operators and engine room crews can train together in a controlled simulation environment. MARIN’s design, simulation and test capabilities offer excellent possibilities for education and training.