Operational procedures and weather windows
On a calm day any operation may be feasible, but what are the limits for wind, waves, current and water level for a safe operation? And what are the tug requirements under these conditions? MARIN’s real time simulators are a perfect tool to verify and optimise operational procedures and establish the metocean limits - for receiving large vessels in a port, installing a new bridge, laying an offshore cable or floating out tunnel elements or gravity base structures from the construction dock and installing these on site.
In adition simulations allow studying a wide range of ‘what if’ scenarios, which allows the person leading the manoeuvre or operation (pilot, tow master) to validate, fine tune and practice the procedures unlimitedly. Involving the key staff in these simulations familiarizes them with the operation and creates commitment to the selected procedures. This is the key to a successful real-life operation.
MARIN also has excellent numerical tools to compute the vertical vessel motions and carry out a probabilistic Under Keel Clearance (UKC) analysis. In this way the access of deep-draught vessels in a port can be optimised.