
The purpose of this JIP is to develop a methodology to predict wind loads on floating structures (ships or offshore platforms), in at open sea or in a port area.


Traditionally, wind loads on structures or wind flow around structures are studied in wind tunnels. Recent developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) make it possible to also compute the wind field around structures and the wind loads on structures or objects. However, comparisons between results from different wind tunnels and comparisons with CFD sometimes show significant differences.
To validate computational methods, it is a necessity that the quality of wind tunnel tests and of CFD improve.
This requires the development of adequate guidelines for reproducibility of wind tunnel tests and CFD calculations.


The main objectives for the Wind Load JIP are:
  • Standard for the modeling of atmospheric boundary layer wind profiles and wind flow around structures in wind tunnels and in CFD models.
  • Carefully checked wind load coefficients for FPSO and semi-submersible
  • Demonstrate nowadays CFD capabilities for wind load predictions for complex offshore and ship structures.
  • Determine the required level of detail for modeling for CFD and wind tunnel testing.
  • CFD and wind tunnel benchmark study


Contact person photo

Jaap de Wilde

Senior Project Manager/Teamleider • Offshore


Wind tunnel operators and CFD providers can contribute in-kind to the WP 3 benchmark study of the JIP. The benchmark results will be added to the overall data pool. In return for their contribution the ‘WP 3 participants’ will receive the full JIP data for the selected case. The data are provided on an ‘as is’ basis. All other JIP data will remain proprietary to the JIP participants only.

The rights and obligations for wind tunnel operators who are willing to execute in-kind to (at least one) benchmark cases are as follows:
  • A management fee of 5,000 Euro will be asked for each in-kind benchmark contribution.
  • The wind tunnel operator may either choose to: (A) test the existing Wind Load JIP FPSO wind tunnel model (scale 1:230) or (B) built an own model.
  • In case of option (A), the existing Wind Load JIP FPSO wind tunnel model will be made available in a crate ready for transportation. Liability for damages of or loss to the wind tunnel model and necessary insurances are at the expense of the wind tunnel operator. The transportation cost (back and forth) and all other costs related to the benchmark tests are for the wind tunnel operator.
  • In case of option (B), the JIP will provide a detailed geometry description of the hull and the generic topside model (e.g. ACAD, iges).
  • The JIP will provide all relevant information for MBL modeling, velocity profile and turbulence, based on the findings of WP 1 and WP 2 of this JIP.
  • The wind tunnel operator should provide a comprehensive report including the test set-up, instrumentation, results and main findings.
  • The wind tunnel benchmark contribution will be “blind”. The blind results will be compared with the carefully checked WP 2 JIP data.
  • The results of the benchmark study will be published together with the WP2 JIP data for the FPSO in a professional and/or scientific paper. By entering the Agreement, the wind tunnel operator provides its consent with this publication. The wind tunnel operator may chose to either include their blind contribution anonymous or to include their contribution with specific reference to their own name/facility.


The rights and obligations for engineering companies who are willing to execute in-kind to (at least one) benchmark CFD case are as follows:
  • A management fee of 5,000 Euro will be asked for each in-kind benchmark contribution.
  • The CFD provider may either chose to: (A) use the available MARIN CFD grid or (b) to make its own grid based on the detailed geometry description of the hull and the generic topside model (e.g. ACAD, iges).
  • The JIP will provide all relevant information for MBL modeling, velocity profile and turbulence, based on the findings of WP 1 and WP 2.
  • The CFD contribution should provide their contribution with a comprehensive report, including the geometry description, CFD modeling description, results and main findings.
  • The CFD benchmark contribution will be “blind”. The blind results will be compared with the WP 2 Wind Load JIP data.
  • The results of the benchmark study will be published together with the WP2 JIP data for the FPSO in a professional and/or scientific paper. By entering the Agreement, the wind tunnel operator provides its consent with this publication The CFD provider may chose to either include their blind contribution anonymous or to include their contribution with specific reference to their own name/company.

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