
SMASH! is the Netherlands Forum for Smart Shipping, which brings the Dutch maritime sector together to implement smart shipping and​ strengthen the Dutch international competitive position. SMASH! is an abbreviation for smart shipping: highly automated sailing at sea, in ports and on inland waterways.
MARIN, together with a large number of organizations and companies, is working on smart shipping and developments in the field of autonomous sailing. Currently these initiatives are very fragmented. By working together on a national scale, regional initiatives can be connected and generate a bigger impact. It is also easier to establish international connections. SMASH! brings together companies, government and knowledge institutions to do so.

what is smart shipping

Innovations in the shipbuilding and shipping sector are evolving rapidly. Driving factors are the improvement of sensors, connectivity and developments in data fusion and analysis. These trends lead to increasing automation and digitization, also in shipping. As a result, shipping can operate more cost-effectively and safely. These developments help to deal with a shrinking and aging workforce of sailing personnel.

The development of smart shipping includes all innovations with regard to complex automated sailing at sea and inland waterways, both on-board of ships and on the waterways.


Contact person photo

Rolph Hijdra

​Project Manager