The objective of this JIP is to identify the relevant modes of tug-terminal operation in the various operational contexts, to quantify the appropriate operability envelopes while assisting in waves, to quantify the operational effectiveness in waves, to identify the relevant criteria per type of the operation and to find the important factors in the design, equipment and operation.
to identify the relevant modes of tug-terminal operation in the various operational
to quantify the appropriate operability envelopes while assisting in waves,
to quantify the operational effectiveness in waves,
to identify the relevant criteria per type of the operation and
to find the important factors in the design, equipment and operation.
The commitment of all parties involved in the tug-terminal operations is seen as essential for the success of this JIP. Only through integration of the various technologies and practical experience combined with the envisaged knowledge extension in this JIP, the issues of tugs operating in waves around terminals can be taken forward. This required commitment is reflected in the proposed project organisation.
Johan H. de Jong
Manager International Cooperation
Tugs play an important role in the availability of terminals in ports and offshore. Terminals and offloading operations in general, are more often located in exposed areas (wind, waves and currents) or require tug assistance in the exposed approaches (escorting). However, at the same time downtimes of the related operations are to be kept to a minimum. The more effective and enduring tug operation in open seas will enable these lower downtimes. This requirement puts a larger demand on tugs and their crews as they have to assist vessels in exposed areas. Operators, in particular for LNG, require low downtimes combined with a safe operation, which can be achieved by proper (escort) tugs during (port) approaches. Equally important is the persistent operation of tugs in offshore circumstances during side to side, tandem offloading operations and future offshore offloading concepts where tugs are needed. In and around ports often escorting regimes are put in place to cope with emergencies or assist large vessels where speed control is important.
It is proposed to split the project in three connected, partly parallel work packages (WP): 1. Tug-Terminal operations (WP 1) 2. Offshore Berthing & Escorting model tests and analysis (WP 2) 3. Tug Design Parameters (WP3)
1. Framework of tug-terminal operations in the various working contexts. 2. Knowledge on: Capability, safety, agility and workability of tug operation. Relevant tug design and critical operation parameters. 3. Sets of generic data per two tug types on: a. tow(line/fender)forces in waves (function of ……) b. tug motions in waves (function of …..) c. propulsion degradation in waves (function of …..) 4. A tug performance database. 5. Conclusions on effects/implications on Tug/terminal design and operations.
The project will take approximately one year. The participation fees are 75,000 Euro for the oil majors, 60,000 Euro for the larger companies (such as tug operators and hardware manufacturers), 40,000 Euro for the small design and engineering offices.
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