Main objective of this JIP is to set standards and criteria to be agreed between roll stabilisation suppliers and yards:
- To facilitate the process of selection of suitable products for a given vessel design already at an early design phase;
- To make the comparison between competing suppliers honest, objective and scientifically robust;
- To discipline the way the performance of the stabilisers are evaluated during model tests and later verified during sea trials.
Preliminary scope of work
At the moment two different work packages are foreseen. Full details can be found in the leaflet Roll Stabilisers JIP.
- Definition of procedure for roll stabilisers selection, improvements of model test setup and definition of standard tests at zero and at forward speed
- Definition of standard sea trial programme
It is to be noted that at the moment these two work packages are presented as steps considered essential to reach the objectives mentioned, however they are on purpose left general and open for discussion and further elaboration. Each work package will be characterised, in their initial stage, by open discussions and brainstorming between the participants. Essential will be to have a clear confrontation between roll stabilisation suppliers and yards. Only when the needs and motivations of all the parties will be clear and agreed upon it will be possible to reach standards that are meant to unify the industry and define new work procedures.
The project is envisaged to run for at least two years. A possible time frame will be presented after the work package programmes will be defined.