Offloading Operability JIP provided significant insight into offloading operations through model tests and numerical simulations. Software tool SHUTTLE was developed. This tool enables the simulation of the offloading behaviour of hawser-moored shuttle tankers and their approach to FPSO or offloading buoy. Within the Offloading Operations JIP, the workability obtained from the tool is compared to actual SBS offloading operations for the NKOSSA FSO. Relative vessel motions for both loading to LPG carriers and for loading to condensate carriers are recorded. The project further collected feedback from mariners on the operation and the lessons learned helped improve numerical simulations for future projects.
The Offloading Operations JIP helped to increase safety of offloading operations and helped designers maximize terminal availability, through analysis of full-scale measurements and study of operational experience and human factors.
The close-out meeting of the Offloading Operations JIP was organised in Paris in June 2023.