
TO2 is the federation of Dutch applied research institutes (MARIN, Deltares, TNO, NLR, WR). They form the link between knowledge and innovation at the service of government, industry and society.

Together the TO2 institutes help companies to innovate successfully and contribute to solutions for societal challenges. The TO2 Federation is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. The government's mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy focuses on a concrete translation of social challenges into missions and subsequently in a joint approach to realize those missions. The aim is to link the highly developed top sectors to these missions and innovation questions, such as lower CO2 emissions, more digital security and more healthy life years for everyone.

The TO2 institutions have three main tasks:
  • Developing, applying and divulging knowledge for the purpose of solving societal questions and issues, and supporting government tasks and governance challenges. Part of this research is embedded in legally mandated tasks.
  • Developing, applying and divulging knowledge aimed at strengthening the Dutch competitive position and power of innovation, particularly that of the top sectors.
  • Managing strategic research facilities, some of which are unique to the Netherlands, and some international facilities.


Each year the TO2 institutes TNO, WUR, Deltares, NLR and MARIN publish the Impact Report in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. It shows how the various institutes conducted their research and how their solutions contribute to a sustainable, clean, healthy and safe future for the Netherlands.

The latest edition can be downloaded below. For previous editions and more information visit
MARIN TO2 Impactrapportage 2023