
NEEDS stands for NEw sustainablE fuel Deployment Scenarios for the European waterborne community. The main objective of NEEDS is to provide a model and methodology to define and assess the most efficient strategies to be deployed for successfully reaching the European target of 90% GHG reduction for waterborne activities by 2050, for selected regions.

A Dynamic Techno-Economical Scenario Simulation Model for Sustainable Waterborne Activities and Transport

NEEDS is a Horizon Europe funded project, hosted by MARIN and developed in cooperation with SINTEF, EICB, CERTH, Balance Technology Institute, Waterborne and Sea Europe. A generic framework model has been developed and two tests cases with local transition scenarios have been realised for the Rhine region (and inland shipping transport) and the Greek maritime network (ferries and short sea shipping).

The NEEDS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101056938.
For more information and project deliverables visit


Contact person photo

Guilhem Gaillarde

Manager Ships