Green Deal


The government and the maritime sector signed a Green Deal in 2019 to make maritime shipping, inland shipping and ports more sustainable. One of the most important agreements in the Green Deal concerns validation of the effects of sustainable maritime solutions.


Determining which solution is most suitable for a vessel, new build or retrofit, is currently very difficult. There is a great diversity of available sustainable maritime solutions. In addition it is not always clear whether solutions are already applicable and what the reliability of the effects of these systems are.

Each solution has consequences for both the construction of the ship and the operation on board. This could include the required space on board, the layout of the ship and integration with other systems, as well as the user-friendliness during operation, the total costs and therefore very important the ROI of the ship itself. These factors are different for each ship type, operational condition or length of sailing routes.
All these different factors are weighed against each other in order to make a well-founded choice. It is therefore important that the information and data about the effects of these solutions is reliable.

In the Green Deal validation, we ensure that validation makes available information of new sustainable technologies reliable. The validations are carried out by MARIN and TNO. Validation means an assessment of the technology’s performance claim (% emission reduction).


Contact person photo

Christian Veldhuis



In 2022, two use cases were started: MARIN is working on the validation of Econowind and TNO is working on validating the Goodfuels solution.

MARIN | Econowind

Econowind is a Dutch based company fully dedicated to wind-assisted ship propulsion. Econowind has developed the VentiFoil suction wing. A fully working prototype has been sailing around since mid-2019, called the Ankie. Econowind has now installed wings on a total of 13 ships.

MARIN is working on the performance validation of the VentiFoil® wind propulsion device manufactured by Econowind. The VentiFoil® is a wing shaped wind propulsor applying boundary layer suction through vents using an internal fan. The technology aims to maximize the thrust provided by the device.
The performance of the VentiFoils® is determined with measurements of the in-service performance of the VentiFoils® on a general cargo vessel combined with a desk study. A tailor made setup was designed to measure the thrust and side force produced by the individual wind propulsors using strain gauges combined with a detailed structural analysis (FEM) for calibration. This significantly reduces the uncertainty which is present when obtaining performance changes by using the traditional shaft power measurement alone. In addition innovative LIDAR technology was used the accurately measure the wind profile.

The data-analysis will concern the assessment of the fuel saving achieved with the Econowind suction wings for the full operational profile of the ship. In addition the analysis will be extended to a reference general cargo ship which is of interest for the I&W ministry and whose design and characteristics are described in the Green Deal.

TNO | Goodfuels

GoodFuels is market leader in the development and worldwide distribution of advanced, sustainable biofuels, such as HVO. Biofuels are made from biomass and are a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. GoodFuels aims to accelerate the transition to fossil-free transport by jointly developing and commercializing truly sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. For the GoodFuels validation case, the fuels MDF1-100 (FAME) and MR1-100 (residual) biofuels, including various blends, are validated.
This validation includes the following aspects:
  • Environmental impact: impact on reduction of CO2, total emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants and appropriate to REDII Annex IX raw materials;
  • Scalability: applicability to the maritime fleet;
  • Technical effects and safety aspects (influence on wear, maintenance and operational reliability);
  • Economic aspects (OPEX) and validation regarding the availability of raw materials and sustainability criteria.
More information on TNO's Goodfuels

Green Deal Validation; study operational advice tools

MARIN and TNO are currently conducting a study into the effect of operational measures and data-driven support to limit emissions in maritime shipping.

Purpose of the project
The main project objective is to reduce the uncertainty for ship owners in the investment decision of operational data acquisition and/or monitoring/advisory tools, which help to achieve further fuel efficiency and emission reduction. The focus of this project is on GHG emissions from propulsion.
We have defined two research questions:

  1. What is the operational performance of the ship and how does this change over time? To this end, we are testing a new in-service test protocol that can be performed more easily and more often during the operation to reduce uncertainty in ship performance.
  2. Which operational measures can reduce emissions and how do we make this transparent and measurable? To this end, we look at existing operational tools and develop a flowchart to clarify questions and uncertainties when purchasing tools and/or data collection on board.
MARIN Green Deal new speed power trial method
New in-service test protocol, tested in this project

Interested? We appreciate your input and collaboration
We are working on this study in collaboration with suppliers, ship owners and users. Are you interested and do you want to contribute? Your comments, questions and input are valuable to us! Contact Fenneke Sterlini for more information.

Current activities
Trial: during a sea trial in June we tested the new speed-power trial method against the original method. Data is currently processed to compare reliability and usability. Instead of sailing a track back and forth a number of times, this method uses a zigzag track that is easier to fit into an operation.
Questionnaire: a questionnaire has been set up to collect broader information about how ship owners and crew currently value and use data and tools that help to limit fuel and reduce emissions.
Flowchart: we are working on a flowchart that can help a shipowner invest in data collection/tooling to reduce emissions during operations.
Workshop: a workshop will be organized with the parties involved in the autumn. The first results and the flowchart are presented and discussed there.
MARIN Green Deal Reduce emissions by operational measures
Goal of the project is to reduce emissions by operational measures