AFLOWT is a five year project (2019-2023) and is co-funded by Interreg North West Europe for a total budget of 31.13M€ (of which 14.09 M€ EU funding). The project is aiming to demonstrate the survivability and cost-competitiveness of a floating offshore wind technology and the development of an active supply chain in North West Europe which has some of the strongest wind and ocean resources in the world.
PROJECT OVERVIEWThe project will see SAIPEM’s Hexafloat technology deployed and demonstrated along the French Mediterranean coast at the MISTRAL test site, including the collection of extensive measurement data. The project will also support the development of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) off the west coast of Ireland. Site development includes onshore civil works for substation build and grid reinforcements and offshore works for electricity export cable deployment. AMETS is to be ready for offshore energy technology deployment by the end of the AFLOWT project in 2023.
MARINWithin the AFLOWT project MARIN will focus on the operation of the FOW prototype through full-scale monitoring and digital twinning of the mooring system. An innovative system will be deployed and will combine a numerical twin and the floater position, the wave frequent motions, the mooring lines tensions and possibly also tendon tensions and stresses at selected fatigue prone locations. The main innovations are in the connection between these measurements and time domain simulation tools enabling the digital twin approach and mooring failure detection. These innovations will support both the development of the next generation of innovative monitoring technologies and bring the knowledge back to design, enabling safer and cheaper floating offshore wind.
PARTNERSParticipating parties are EMEC (lead partner), Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, SAIPEM, University College Cork, Electricity Supply Board International, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems, Kraken Subsea, FEBUS Optics and MARIN.