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Smart Shipping online company tour

On November 9, researcher Egbert Ypma takes you on a MARIN company tour along underwater drones, unmanned RHIBs and seagoing vessels preventing collisions themselves. Register in advance.




9 Nov 2020


MARIN has many years of experience in automation in shipping, and autonomous or even unmanned sailing is getting closer and closer. How do you find out if this is safe? This online company visit starts at 4 p.m. and you can experience this from your own home workplace by registering in advance through

Within SMASH! market participants, knowledge institutions and governments work together on a large scale to implement smart shipping. SMASH! is initiated by Nederland Maritiem Land, TKI Maritiem, TKI Dinalog, Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement, NMT, KVNR, EICB, Municipality of Rotterdam, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam, Groningen SeaPorts, Maritime Delta, Innovation Quarter, TU Delft and MARIN.