International Marine Design Conference | IMDC

The 15th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC 2024) is organized by the Department of Maritime and Transport Technology, Delft University of Technology, and is hosted by the Netherlands Defence Materiel Organisation at the Marine Etablissement Amsterdam (MEA). The aim of the IMDC is to promote all aspects of marine design as an engineering discipline.
MARIN will be one of the keynote speakers.

During the technical sessionss MARIN will present a paper 'On the prediction of rolling period'.
Date and time tbd. For more information contact Rob Grin.

Abstract 'On the prediction of rolling period'
The rolling period has a large influence on the ship roll motion and accelerations of ships. Not only for resonant roll but also parametric roll. Both are extremely important for the comfort and safety of passengers and crew as well as the loads on the cargo and their lashings.
As part of the design verification, seakeeping assessments (either numerical or experimental) are performed. However when real roll period is not known, incorrect estimates are made and the predicted ship performance might be misleading. This is also the case when applied to vulnerability criteria within the second generation of intact stability code.
At present, many prediction methods are quite unreliable with regularly errors in the predicted roll period of more than 10%.
This paper will give guidelines for the required accuracy that will ensure that the changes in roll behaviour are marginal. Various estimation methods are compared for a range of illustrative ship types. For each of the methods, advantages and disadvantage will be discussed and a practical estimation method will be proposed that can be used in the basic design phase.


Marine Etablissement Amsterdam


2 Jun 2024- 6 Jun 2024