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European Navigation Conference

The ENC will take place from 31 May until 2 June 2023 and is held under auspices of EUGIN, the European Group of Institutes of Navigation.

Main theme of the conference is Resilient Navigation. Vulnerability of satellite-based position and timing information is widely recognized. The need for resilience requires redundancy in the signal domain, terrestrial and space infrastructures and on-board implementation. It also requires vulnerabilities to be addressed in navigation functions, data, guidance and control.

MARIN will be presenting on the following:

Future role of the human in Resilient Maritime Navigation | Hugo Ammerlaan

Accurate and resilient navigation is a given for seafarers and inland skippers. Over the years we have constructed a very adequate system of products, tools, systems, services and to ascertain resilient navigation in specific and more complex maritime operations too there is a good system in place.

This situation is changing. Ships have less and often less experienced crews. The number of vessels as well as their size increase amplified by a governmental push to move freight transport from road to rail and (inland) shipping. Changing climate causes changes in tidal fluctuations in ports and water levels in our rivers. The complexity increases too as unmanned vessels controlled from a shore control centre and autonomous vessels are being put to sea. Thirdly more entities use “water”; for food and energy production and areas are designated environmentally protected zones. Lastly technology such as VR/AR, Shore Control Centres and Digital Twinning are changing the ways in which we operate.
The human plays a vital role and will continue to have to play ….. The world is changing fast and the situation in the maritime will be at least “messy” until the dust settles; if it settles. Technology doesn’t always “help” too. The human will have to navigate these changing times and in many cases if all else fails or the situation becomes too complex, ultimately he or she will be “the last resilient man standing” in this complex socio-technical system.

We must assist the human in his/her ability to act and navigate resiliently. Therefor Human Centred Design should be the starting point when developing ships bridges, tools, Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) and processes. They should all be physically, perceptually, cognitively and emotionally intuitive. Additionally Modelling and Simulation can assist in concept design and evaluation, preparation of specific and new missions and tasks.


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands


31 mei 2023- 2 jun. 2023