To provide our USA clients with advice in an easy and fast way, we have our own bridge simulator facility in Houston. The Houston simulator is used as a validated tool for concept design and operations training and consists of a main bridge with full console, two tug stations and an Instructor Operator Station. Six projection screens allow for a 360° view.
The simulator is perfectly suited for complex research or training projects. It is used for interaction between engineers and mariners for optimised designs, for assistance in operational design and operational feasibility, and for training offshore operations, hazard identification and emergency situations. The simulator accounts for special effects such as shallow water, squat, bank sunction and ship-ship interaction. Therefore it is the ideal facility to study specific navigation or manoeuvring situations such as harbours and open water/coastal navigation, manoeuvres with anchors, tugs, or free floating FPSOs.
Dolphin simulator SOFTWARE
The DOLPHIN software on the Houston Simulator is based on MARIN’s extensible modelling framework (XMF). The framework is incorporated throughout MARIN’s time domain software tools, thus allowing for direct integration of models between aNySIM XMF (fast-time simulations) and DOLPHIN (real-time bridge simulations). The DOLPHIN software combines MARIN’s manoeuvring and mooring software allowing for real time engineering feedback during simulations. Vessel motions, vessel forces, line loads and other valuable information can be obtained during and after simulations.