Dry-back multi-flap wave generators are positioned along the full width of the short side and along 120 m of the long side of the basin. They can be used to generate
long and short crested waves from various directions. The force-feedback control compensates possible reflections from the model and the beaches, which are facing the wave generators. The long side wave generators can generate waves with heights of 0.4 m at a 3 s period; the short side generators can create waves with a height of 0.75 m at a 4 s period.
The basin is equipped with a towing carriage for hydrodynamic tests on ship models and a silent carriage for radiated noise measurements from ship models and propellers.
Towing carriageThe models are fitted to a subframe of the main carriage and prepared in the harbour outside the DWB. The model enters through a pressure lock and is then connected to the main carriage for testing. The subframe can be fitted with four dedicated modules:
- A resistance and propulsion dynamometer test frame for towed models
- An observation module that carries all equipment required for cavitation observation and hull-pressure fluctuation tests
- A seakeeping test frame for free sailing models
- A test frame that is fitted with a six degree-of-freedom forced-oscillation Hexapod
The carriage can reach a speed of 6 m/s and is fitted with an optical 3D position measuring system used for measuring model motions.
Silent carriageThe DWB is fitted with a silent carriage for noise measurements. The background noise of the silent towing carriage allows radiated noise measurements of ship propellers that need to comply with the ICES CR209 standard. Cavitation or flow noise can be measured by 2 hydrophones mounted in the DWB. Impulse response measurements have shown that the reflections of noise by the basin wall can be neglected at high frequencies allowing direct measurement of the far field radiated
noise. The silent carriage is fitted with a mooring ring so that fixed or moored test subjects can be rotated and exposed to any wave direction. High-speed cameras, LED illumination and optical tracking equipment can also be mounted.
Test capabilities
- Ventilation and cavitation inception and observation
- Hull pressure fluctuation measurements
- Radiated noise measurements
- Wakefield measurements
- Resistance and propulsion tests
- Motions and loads of fixed, moored, and dynamically positioned floating structures
- Seakeeping tests in waves from arbitrary directions
- Forced oscillation tests using a hexapod
- Flooding and damage stability tests (at scaled ambient pressure)
- Vortex-Induced Motion Tests