Concept Basin

This basin (220 x 4 x 3.6 m) is mainly designed to perform calm water and seakeeping model tests of ships and structures in their concept phase. It is equipped with a wave generator that can reach a significant wave height of 0.38 m at a peak period of 2.3 seconds. The basin has a stiff overhead carriage which runs over the full length of the basin. The maximum speed is 10 m/s.

The concept basin is mainly used for testing ship models with a length of 1-4 meters, for floating structures of any kind, with size depending on water depth, wave condition and width of basin. The length for the VIV oscillator is 3.4m.

This basin is also used by Small & Medium Enterprises (MKB) to test their new ideas and concepts for free, to stimulate Dutch maritime innovation.

Waves, wind and VIV oscillator

A wave generator is fitted at the end of the basin. The wave generator consists of 8 hinged flaps. Each flap (with a width of 50 cm) has its own driving motor, which is controlled separately. The wave-making capacity is up to an irregular significant wave height of 0.38 m at peak periods between 1.8 and 3.3 seconds and a regular wave height of 0.80 m at peak periods between 1.9 and 3.1 seconds. Opposite the wave generator, a passive sinkable wave absorber is installed. The wave generator is equipped with compensation of wave reflections form (ARC) the model and the wave absorbing beach. Wave generation is based on higher order wave synthesis techniques.

The carriage can be fitted with a large stroke vertical oscillator to test vortex induced vibrations on pipes, risers and other slender constructions. Maximum Reynolds number up to 5E5.


Contact person photo

Jan de Boer

Senior Project Manager

Test capabilities

  • Resistance and propulsion tests in calm water and waves;
  • Seakeeping tests: head and following waves; other wave directions at zero speed;
  • Captive test in calm water or waves (e.g. current loads, manoeuvring coefficients);
  • Installation and sea transport test of offshore structures;
  • Tests on moored or fixed objects to determine the motions and loads due to waves and wind;
  • Wave energy testing (renewable energy devices);
  • Drop tests for freefall life boats and VIV;
  • VIV setup to test vortex induced vibrations on pipes, risers and other slender constructions.
Concept basin
TouchWind updated its floater design and tested its behaviour in the Concept Basin. In this basin MARIN is able to test down scaled floating wind turbines with wind load, wave loads and the mooring system. The model was exposed with success to a storm occurring once every 100 years at the north sea, with winds of 50m/s and a significant wave height of 13m.