cavitation tunnel

In the Cavitation Tunnel we test a range of propulsor designs. Large propellers can be tested at high Reynolds numbers to predict accurate cavitation behaviour. Observation with high-speed cameras enables detailed cavitation flow investigations.


Description: vertical plane, closed recirculating, variable speed and pressure, de-aerater
Type of drive system: 1.48 m diameter fixed pitch four-bladed axial flow impeller, 220 kW, 1200 rpm (impeller 300 rpm)
Propeller: 400 Nm, 2400 rpm, 100 kW
Working section max. velocity: 10-11 m/s
Rectangular 0.9 m  0.9 m with rounded corners, length 4 m
Pressure range: 10-180 kPa
Cavitation number range:σn = 0.2 - 6
Instrumentation: dynamometers, strain gauge elements, pressure transducers, strobe lights, high-speed cameras
Torque and thrust dynamometers: Hottiger strain gauges between motor and tunnel. Thrust range ± 5000 N, Torque range ± 500 Nm
Propeller size: max. diameter 400 mm
Wake field simulation: not applicable


Contact person photo

Jan de Boer

Senior Project Manager

Test capabilities

  • Cavitation observation tests, cavitation inception;
  • Measurement of forces and torques on nozzles, rudders, hydrofoils etc.;
  • Direct image correlation (DIC) measurements on propellers.
cavitation tunnel