Validation and verification
The LifeLine system was validated using different tools and sources of data including numerical simulations, blind tests and in-service measurements. The validations were done for multiple floaters, both spread moored and turret moored, installed in different regions including West Africa, Australia, NorthSea, Brazil and Gulf of Mexico.
Software input and output
A configuration file is used to define the floater specific input parameters which includes among others, the type of mooring system (turret or spread moored), floater natural period, maximum allowable identification time (LTA), quality threshold (STA and LTA) and minimum and maximum offset caused by a line failure.
The output of the LifeLine system is returned to the customer position monitoring system by two serial NMEA messages. STA serial messages ($LFSTA) are sent every three hours whereas the LTA serial messages ($LFLTA) are returned once a day. Among others the following information is included in the messages:
• The date and time of the event detected (STA)
• The warning level for the mooring line integrity assessment (STA-LTA)
• The offset related to the event detected (STA)
• The offset related to the equilibrium position of the floater (LTA)
• The direction associated to the offset position detected (STA-LTA)
• Error code
The LifeLine software was developed in the
LifeLine Joint Industry Project from 2018 up to 2020. A user group was initiated in 2021 which is aiming to support the practical application of the LifeLine technology on the field and to support further development needs.