mooring line failure detection with gps
The LifeLine system is a mooring line failure detection system for offshore floaters. The software which was originally developed for the oil & gas industry is available now for floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) as well. GPS position and floater orientation is the only input required by the LifeLine system to be able to assess the FOWT mooring line integrity. The LifeLine software runs on a dedicated PC with a Windows operating system.
A TCP/IP connection between the LifeLine PC and the FOWT position monitoring system is required to obtain information of the GPS position and FOWT orientation. This information is to be provided in data files, e.g. half hour data files. By means of advanced data processing the LifeLine system provides two serial output messages containing all the necessary information regarding the mooring line integrity. Through a RS485 interface between both systems information regarding the integrity of the mooring lines is returned to the FOWT position monitoring system or forwarded to any other system. FOWT specific information required by the software to assess the mooring line integrity is provided in a configuration file.
The LifeLine system is currently available as a dedicated windows-based software. A new version of the software which is able to operate in the cloud or a data centre and which facilitates remote data access will be available in 2022.