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Predicting the dynamics of a gas pocket during breaking wave impacts using machine learning

AuthorsEzeta, R., Düz, B.
Conference/JournalOcean Engineering
Date30 Mar 2025
We investigate the feasibility and accuracy of a machine learning model to predict the dynamics of a gas pocket that is formed when a breaking wave impacts on a solid wall. The proposed ML model is based on the convolutional long short-term memory structure and is trained with experimental data. In particular, it takes as input two high-speed camera snapshots before impact and produces as output six scalars that describe the dynamics of the gas pocket. The experiments are performed in a wave flume, where we use solitons – in combination with a bathymetry profile – to generate wave breaking close to a solid wall which is instrumented with dynamic pressure sensors. By varying the water depth hℓ and the parameter α=A/hℓ, where A is the soliton wave amplitude, we are able to generate a family of unique breaking waves with different gas pocket sizes and wave kinematics. In this so-called phase space of wave generation (hℓ, α), we perform experiments on 67 different wave states that form our dataset. Experimentally, we find that the frequency of oscillation of the gas pocket can be attributed to the initial volume of gas plus a geometric correction and that the maximum and minimum pressures are qualitatively well captured by the one-dimensional Bagnold model. In terms of the ML model, we compare its performance to the experimental data and find that the model quantitatively reproduces the trends found in the experiments — in particular for the maximum and minimum pressure in the gas pocket and the frequency of oscillation.

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Rodrigo Ezeta

Senior Reseacher

Bulent Duz

Senior Reseacher

waves, impacts and hydrostructuraldata sciencewave measurements