Wave impacts
A custom built 12.5 m long, 0.6 m wide and 1.2 m tall flume tank with a heavy, instrumented impact wall is available at the facility to study wave impacts at different conditions. Using a precise piston-type wave generator, we can create diverse kinds of waves in the whole range of conditions and record dynamic pressures at up to a frequency of 100 kHz with a dense grid of 100 pressure sensors in the impact wall. An ongoing application for this set-up is through the SLING research programme by disentangling the physics of multiphase sloshing in liquefied natural gas.
Multiphase flow with phase change
By precisely manipulating, the pressure, temperature and gas composition of condensable and non-condensable gases, multiphase flows with or without phase change can be created in specified geometries. These flows are studied using a vast and wide range of techniques which are provided by MARIN’s expertise. The knowledge obtained through this kind of fundamental research can be invaluable in industries such as (bio)chemical, food, process and energy.
Examples of product and process development and optimization
The LNG-PITCH4 project in 2019 is a demonstration of accelerated product development. Here, a new insulation system for small scale LNG tanks has been developed for the maritime industry. A prototype tank was placed in the autoclave and filled with liquefied nitrogen at approximately -196°C. With the tank inside, the temperature was controlled and varied within the operational range of such vessels to test the insulation effectiveness. Future tests in which the temperature, pressure, gas composition and humidity are varied, could be performed to further improve the thermal conductivity models along with durability tests, water vapour transmission, and the absorption of the insulation system.